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Join Our Free Facebook Community for Direct Sellers
The Build It Big Freedom Tribe
Join the online private community for direct sellers and network marketers who are doing things a little differently to experience exponential growth online.
Michelle is live every Monday and Wednesday at 1pm EST inside the community so come and connect!
Join Our Free Facebook Page for Weekly Direct Sales Strategies Plus Freebie Giveaways
On Michelle's public page, she gives away lots of prizes, access to her courses plus gives you tons of direct sales tips. You can catch her live every Monday at Noon EST.
Get Entered In My Monthly Favorite Things Giveaway
Do you like to win prizes? Michelle LOVES to give away gifts and once a month, she chooses a winner for her Favorite Things Giveaway. One lucky winner each month will receive these amazing gifts: A ring light, a makeup bag, all three CD's, Michelle's favorite sachet scent, a backdrop and Michelle's favorite fake nails when you don't have time to get yours done.
Youtube Channel For Direct Sellers & Network Marketers
Do you learn best through video? Michelle offers tons of relevant training and information for the direct seller, network marketer and home party rep who wants to take their business to the next level.
The Office Organizational Guide & Freebie Printable
Do you feel like your office space could be better? A space that is unorganized can leave your brain feeling stressed and take your productivity down. In this guide, you'll learn how you can create a very organized space.
You'll also get access to a list of Michelle's absolutely favorite must have products to create a functional office space. You'll also get a full list of the necessities for a professional Youtube studio.
Free Scripts: The Ultimate Facebook Live Guide​
Did you hear in my lead generating CD that you could grab my Ultimate Facebook LIVE Guide? If so, you can grab that for free right here!