You are made for more.

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Truth be told...
If this shy girl from humble beginnings can show you how to step out into your greatness and live the life you were called to live, then my mission is complete. You, my friend, are made for MORE.
I want the BEST for you so you can change the world.
So, before I jump in and share my back-story, I wanted you to know that if I can help you in any way, I'm always here. My email is michelle@michellecunninghamonline.com and I love hearing from you!
And be sure to click here: Resources so you can join me on Mondays & Wednesday LIVE!
Michelle Cunningham
Here's the backstory...
My Journey In Direct Sales
I started my network marketing / direct sales business like so many others, NERVOUS yet EXCITED! And I called my Mom to announce my decision to join and she said, “Oh man, why would you do that? Now that’s a SCAM.”
Uh-Oh! Bummer. Not quite the reception I had hoped for. I’ll fill you in a little later about what she thinks about the industry now.
At this time in my life, I was a recent college graduate and had just landed my dream job as a Pharmaceutical Sales Rep for a Fortune 500 company.
About 6 months into it, I realized that there must be more to life than working 9-6 everyday making money for someone else at the top. But, I stayed for another 3 years because I had a great paycheck, a free car, a free laptop, great benefits and I worked from home.
But I truly was yearning for something MORE. I knew there was a greater life in store for me outside of the corporate rat race. But I didn’t know where I would find it.
As luck would have it, my co-worker told me that his wife worked a full-time job and sold these products on the side of her full-time job for fun, to help women feel great, make extra cash and she got her products at 50% off!
And he mentioned the amazing opportunities with the company and unlimited growth potential and I could feel my heart race with excitement. It sounded so exciting and gave me TONS of HOPE that there was a life outside of the corporate rat race! I needed HOPE! ​
Problem was, I didn’t know a thing about these products and I didn’t know ANYONE I could sell to.
But, after joining, I found out that they teach you everything you need to know! And anyone that is teachable and coachable can also learn the simple steps to be a success.
I had actually read a book that year called “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” and it changed my thinking.
I wanted a bigger life than the life I had as a child (more on that later) and in the book, the author says the world's most successful people become wealthy one of three ways:
Owning a home-based business.
Owning a small business.
Owning real estate.
Wealthy folks DO NOT work 9-5 for someone else making someone else rich.
Don’t get me wrong, I know being wealthy doesn’t buy happiness, but having extra money gives you choices and with choices comes the freedom to impact the lives of your family and the world around you.
So, I followed the advice of the Rich Dad, Poor Dad book and decided to take a chance. Buying real estate or opening my own business was out of the question because of the money required, but I could afford to open a home-based business!
So, I opened a home-based direct sales business with a top network marketing/home party company. I joined nervous, scared, shy, short on time and knowing a few people.
But, I joined with a dream. A dream that could change my life and ultimately impact the lives of others.
The first event I attended was mind-blowing. There was a lady in the room who just earned a free car and another one who was making six figures a year. And yet another, who was a millionaire, making this seem all too good to be true! But I wanted to be a part of it!
And I wish I could tell you that I was a fast starter, but I wasn’t.
When I joined in 2002, there was no text message and no Facebook so the only advice I was given was to talk to strangers and really put myself out there. Now, that idea makes me want to be ill, as a reserved person, so for six years I barely told anyone I sold these products.
Imagine that! But I did like the idea that I had a plan B just in case I lost my job. I also enjoyed getting my products at 50% off and selling to about 5 accidental customers I picked up along the way.
And as it turns out, I’m glad I had a Plan B. I lost my job in March of 2009.
And I needed money. Faced with $30,000 in credit card debt and college loans, I decided to get serious about my business while I contemplated finding another job.
So I hopped online to find a mentor in the company to help me.
And as luck would have it, the one I happened to pick online was a pretty good one. Living only two miles down the road from me, there was a lady who had earned 12 free Cadillacs and had earned over 3 million dollars in career earnings!
And, guess what? She suffers from social anxiety disorder! She hates talking in front of people and actually fainted at her first direct sales party! So she totally gave me hope that I could do this.
She showed me the ropes and following her simple system of using simple text messages to set appointments, I made over $1000 in my first month. I continued using her system and 6 months later I made over $5000 in one month and earned a free car with car insurance included! And that was it!
I determined, “I am going ALL IN WITH THIS!”
And, I never looked back.
My paycheck continued to grow and that first year I was able to use the extra money to pay off ALL my credit card and college loan debt.
And it just continued from there.
Being an entrepreneur has been hard work, but it comes with such a freeing feeling. And it's allowed me the ability to give back on a much larger scale helping others.
I want to make as much money as I can every day so I can bless others around me.
I believe all women should live completely debt-free lives so they have choices.
When you put it in perspective, the material things do not matter.
Lives matter. People & their dreams matter.
Yes, I’ve earned diamonds and countless prizes. flat-screen TVs, microwaves, jewelry, luggage sets, name-brand purses, and sunglasses and so much more. Plus, travel including a cruise and a trip to London.
I have earned eight free cars and I have driven my two kids around in the coveted luxury car I earned.​
But again, it always comes back to the idea that what matters is not so much the material things, but it's the lives changed in the journey. I've learned that having extra money buys choices for you and your family.
Choices to help others around you.
Choices to live the life you dreamed of.
Choices to buy any groceries your family wants.
Choices to go on extra vacations.
Choices to buy homes.
Choices to buy gifts for those in need.
Choices to surprise those you love with a visit.
Choices to give back to your community.
Choices that impact lives forever.
Choices to change the world in a bigger way.
CHOICES. Lots of Choices.
I continued to build my business and built a team of over 1,000 incredibly successful women all over the nation! And we sold over 8-figures in products collectively.
In 2019, I left the industry because I was called to help the entire industry in a larger way. So, today, I help network marketers, direct sellers and home party reps all over the globe to live out their greatness.
I'm passionate about showing others in all types of companies how they can live a life without a BOSS & succeed in a HUGE way! You can set your own hours and work your business around your life, kids, and family.
You can wake up when you want. You can go on vacation when you feel like it and you can spend time with your family. If you do the things you ought to do, when you ought to do them, one day you can do the things you want to do, when you want to do them.
This business is an incredible way to make a living and a life and I love showing you how to make it all work together easily while juggling kids, home life, social media, clients & teammates.
Joining Direct Sales can be the answer to your prayers.
And as far as my Mom goes, she is my #1 fan and supporter now. Years ago, she didn’t have enough information to know what this opportunity truly could do for my life.
Life hasn’t always been easy for me. My life today is a result of my determination and hustle.
A quick snapshot of my childhood would not look anything like my life today. We came from very little. My parents divorced when I was 6 and my mom was left with three children under 8. She had no job and she had to find a way to provide for us.
She did whatever it took, opening a daycare in our home and adding odd jobs here and there. It wasn’t always enough to pay the bills and we would frequently run out of food so we’d visit the local church pantry for food.
We occasionally stayed in shelters and I always felt a little scared as a child that we might lose our house.
On many Christmases, our only gifts were from the local residents in our town. Our Easter Bunny came but he only brought peanuts and if you found the one carved with an ink smiley face, that was a big deal.
As a child, I was surrounded by kids with plenty of food, money, toys, and lots of name brand new clothes. I always remember feeling slightly inadequate and VERY different.
I learned a lot by watching my Mom struggle for money and I knew at the age of 6 that having money gave you freedom in life and choices. I wanted more for my life and for my family.
Money isn’t everything, but it does provide security, opportunities, and choices.
I am so thankful for the struggle we had as children. Because it gave me strength.
I have used my childhood experiences as my reason for getting up every day because I wanted my family to have better opportunities and choices than I did as a child.
I also wanted to be able to provide for anyone in my extended family that ever needs anything. I am extremely motivated by the thought that my hard work can benefit others.
Truly, it doesn’t matter where you started in this life, it's about enjoying the journey complete with the ups and downs you will inevitably face.
You have the power to change your course. Today.
Life is not a dress rehearsal. You have one shot to live your dream life. What are you waiting for?
Let your life story be your motivation for a better life, not your excuse.
​Lots of endless love,
Michelle Cunningham